Friday, December 31, 2010

So this is life after college...

I thought I'd use this rare case of insomnia as a opportunity to write my first blog. 

So this is life after college....sleeping in every day, being a slave at the good old Outback Steakhouse...not all bad. Until I remember that I'm done with college....not going back to Wittenberg like everyone else is next week. Don't know what you got 'til it's gone as that song from the 80s goes. I'm going to miss it. I already do. I can't help think of what I'll be missing out on this semester, what could have happened...

And a huge new chapter in my life will start in less than two months. I'm moving to Santiago, Chile to teach English for a year. Moving. For a year. In an completely different culture, language, and hemisphere. I'm still trying to process all of it. I'm so excited. I bought my plane ticket the other day. I'm leaving on February 19th. Details that you might want to know: I'll be teaching college aged students, I have no idea what level of English they're at, I'm staying in a hostel the first month I'm there and during that time I'll be looking for an apartment to live in (with other teachers most likely) for the remainder of the time. 

And since it is New Year's Eve now, I also can't help but reminisce on 2010. It started out with heartbreak, ended with closing a big chapter in my life by finishing undergraduate and in between were many different things: leading a chapter of sorority women, co-chairing an awesome Relay event, having an incredible study abroad experience, losing my grandfather, gaining friends, losing friends, and learning so much. 2011 has a high bar to reach. 

So, stop on by here if you want to know what kind of culture shock or classroom experiences I'm having in Chile. I'll always appreciate comments. Don't forget to stay in touch. :)

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